Summer Buzz: The Time of the Heart

Be more expressive, give more love, and be more open.

So, I have a guy who cuts my hair. Some people would refer to him as a barber. He does an okay job, but he is always angry. About a year ago, since all the local businesses were struggling with COVID, I decided to try to support the businesses in my area. Why not, I thought. At the first appointment, he was nice, took good care of my head, wasn’t opinionated, listened to what I wanted, and gave me a solid haircut. I thought I should be nice, so I bought a year's worth of haircuts. Note to self: do not buy a year's worth of haircuts. Today I went in and he scalped me!  I mean, he pulled out the razor and went to town. I think he was in a bad mood (I was wearing a mask and he hates masks), and he was screaming about the economy and politics. Then he told me that someone came in recently and stole stuff from the shop while he was in the bathroom, and that yesterday his scooter was stolen. I just nodded and agreed with what he was saying. I am never going to disagree with the guy cutting my hair who is holding many razors. Yes, I am getting older, my hair is receding a little (ok, a lot) and I am totally turning grey, but I don’t think the whole “Gomer Pyle going to the military” haircut is my best look.

He did not mess around. Was I upset? Yes, but hair grows back. Did the feeling last long? No, as long as I don’t look in a mirror. It is summer and it’s the time to focus on the heart!

My barber

What I wanted!

What I got

I remember being in Miami once with my dad when a mob stopped traffic and surrounded our car. These very scary-looking dudes stood in front of our car, began to pound on the hood, and screamed at us to honk if we supported Elian Gonzalez. I looked at my dad and screamed, “Lay on that horn!!”

If you only learn 1, OK 2, no, make that 3 things from this blog, let them be: 1) Don’t buy a year's worth of haircuts, 2) Don’t go to an angry barber, and 3) If a mob tells you to honk for whatever crazy thing they want you to honk for, HONK THAT HORN! 

I secretly don’t care about my scalping. My hair will grow back and because it is summer I am trying to be more open and more loving. Every summer I try to get my patients to live their best lives. I want them to do things they do not get to do at all other times of the year. Many of us travel a great deal during the summer. This summer, when traveling, push yourself to express yourself more, give more love, appreciate all that is around you, and be more open. 

Summer is the time we focus on our heart. The heart is the emperor of the human body, it governs blood and is responsible for the Shen (mind).

The heart is the expression of energy, movement, and activity. Think Yang and think fire. The color associated is red, the feeling is joy, and it is time for growth, expansion, and abundance.

When the heart is not in balance (i.e. my barber) you might experience insomnia, palpitations, red complexion, irritability, sweating, anxiety, depression, and inappropriate laughter. Keep it in balance this summer. Enjoy the sun and embrace its energy. Feel joyful. When we feel happy, laugh, and have passion, our heart is in balance. 

Eat lighter meals. Eat fresh, cooling foods that are in season. Cooling foods tend to be green, but can include watermelon, lemon, pineapple, mint, spinach, tomatoes, pear, lettuces, green tea, and cilantro. Avoid, hot, dry, and spicy foods. And ice cream, even though delicious, will slow down your digestion. Yes, even mint chip!

This summer, be sure to put yourself out there, be joyful, experience new things, and take in the heat. And, most importantly, be nice to your angry barber.

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