Acupuncture for Fertility
This month I thought it was important to talk about a topic that’s all over the news, and one I deal with on an almost daily basis in my practice. The subject is how acupuncture helps fertility, IVF and egg freezing.
Let me start off by saying acupuncture is a fantastic way for someone to reach their fertility goals.
This may be a reason not to stress out about fertility
I get the same calls every week. “Gabriel, we are having trouble conceiving. I had no idea it would take so long. If only I had known it would be so difficult. Help!!!”
We never know. We spend a good percentage of our adult lives doing everything we can to prevent pregnancy and then we try everything we can to get pregnant. It's not easy to get excited about the process of planned sex and getting pregnant. Obviously some parts are good, but others are very stressful and extremely anxiety producing.
Acupuncture can help treat hormone imbalance, inflammation and blood flow as well as implantation and sperm count.
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) is one of the most important hormones in regard to conception. When FSH is too high, we are heading in the wrong direction and the body is headed towards perimenopause. Acupuncture stimulates neurotransmitters to the central nervous system. When these neurotransmitters go to the brain, they will either stimulate or put the kibosh on the release of hormones. Low FSH is caused by the pituitary gland or hypothalamus not producing enough FSH. Acupuncture helps the brain regulate and release the correct amount of FSH to help the follicles mature into a healthy egg.
One huge problem regarding fertility is inflammation. If we can decrease inflammation in the body, sperm and egg quality will greatly increase. Afflictions such as endometriosis, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) infections and autoimmune disease cause increased markers of inflammation levels preventing fertility. Like treating pain, acupuncture helps to decrease inflammation and help the body create a healthy environment for conception.
Blood Flow
One of the most important benefits of acupuncture is that it increases blood flow. Regarding fertility, it helps to thicken the uterine lining so that sperm has a healthy environment to implant. This can be done by both local points near the ovaries as well as more distal points/channels that go to our reproductive organs.
For men and their reproductive organs, we strive for good quality and good volume. We need high testosterone. The male should be in a good state both mentally and physically, healthy, balanced and ready to go when the time is right.
Stress and anxiety can take a huge toll on fertility. I have gone through the ups and downs of fertility with so many of my patients. It’s stressful, and a lot of times it’s a percentage game. Acupuncture is fantastic at getting the body to relax, feel calmer and decrease the anxiety that comes at us in so many directions.
Fertility, egg freezing and IVF can be challenging, but getting acupuncture regularly helps make the process so much more effective. Keep your body in balance and work hard to eat well, get sleep, and decrease stress. And, of course, get acupuncture.